Is It Dangerous If The Pilot Light Goes Out On Water Heater?

Traditionally, water heaters run on gas and are fitted with a pilot light to let you know when things are running smoothly.

But if it goes out, you know you are in for a night of troubleshooting and problem-solving.

Is It Dangerous If The Pilot Light Goes Out On Water Heater?

When your pilot light goes out your hot water heater will stop functionally properly and your water can run cold throughout the home with various other issues arising.

Below, we discuss if your pilot light going out is dangerous and some helpful tips to get it up and running. Saving you time and money on fixing your hot water heater.

What Is A Pilot Light?

While electric water heaters don’t have a pilot light feature, many gas and propane ones do.

They use a small flame to ignite the burner, this is the pilot light. The pilot light helps the water heater ignite the gas burner when it needs to heat the water inside the tank.

It should remain light at all times and if it does go out, you are going to need your thinking cap on.

A common way to understand the pilot light is to think of it like a match or a hand-held lighter.

Without a match or a lighter, you won’t be able to start your fire or get your gas stove going for dinner.

This pilot light is the match or lighter.

When the pilot light goes out, no hot water will run through the home. Once it is relit, your water heater will work again and provide hot water.


Is It Dangerous If The Pilot Light Goes Out?

Generally, no it is not dangerous if the pilot light goes out. This is due to the majority of gas water heater models being equipped with valves that automatically shut off the gas supply.

Without this small yet life-saving feature, you would have a gas or propane leak which could be fatal.

It is especially dangerous when the water heater is stored in a small space such as the garage or basement.

For instance, a buildup of carbon monoxide may occur if there is not enough combustible air in the region and your pilot light has gone out.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is extremely dangerous and can be deadly.

A great way to track your carbon monoxide levels is to purchase a carbon monoxide detector. Place it next to your water heater and check it regularly.

3 Signs Your Pilot Light Has Gone Out

If you have never experienced the faltering of your pilot light then you may not know what to look for. We have 3 signs that indicate that your pilot light has gone out:

No Hot Water

This is the most recognizable way to determine if your pilot light has gone out. When you turn on any hot water faucets and no hot water is produced, your pilot light may be extinguished.

However, there are other reasons why you may have no hot water.

No Flame

If you suspect that your pilot light is out, your first instinct will be to go have a look at the water heater. Once you complete your check and discover that there is no flame, you can confirm that your pilot light is out.

Gas Control Valve Indicator

As you check your water heater you may see an error message or a blinking light on the gas control valve.

There should be a sticker on the side of the water heater tank giving your guidance on what the message means (Also check out Can You Lay A Water Heater On Its Side?) (Also check out Can You Lay A Water Heater On Its Side?).

Is It Dangerous If The Pilot Light Goes Out On Water Heater?

How To Relight Your Pilot Light

Once you have determined that the pilot light is out, you are going to need to relight it.


Depending on the type of water heater you have, the steps to re-lighting your pilot light may be a little different (Also check out Is AO Smith A Good Water Heater?).

The correct steps are generally located on the side of the tank, but if there are no instructions we have some steps you can follow:

  • Turn the gas control valve to OFF and water for ten minutes for the chamber to be free of any gas.
  • Turn the gas control valve to PILOT and press the button. This allows for a small amount of gas to reach the pilot light.
  • For 90 seconds, repeatedly press the little black (or red) igniting button. The pilot will be lit by a spark produced by the igniting button. (Some water heaters may need to be manually lit with a long lighter).
  • Once the button begins to blink or light up, your pilot light is lit. Now you can fix it to your desired temperature and you should be able to hear the burner ignite.
  • If your pilot does not light after 90 seconds, you must wait 10 minutes before trying again.

If, despite your best efforts, you are still unable to ignite the pilot, something else may be wrong.

Other Reasons Your Pilot Light May Go Out

While your pilot light may simply lose the correct level of gas and die out, there are other reasons why it can go out.


The thermocouple is there to shut down the gas valve in the event that the pilot light does go out. It stops any gas from reaching the chamber and prevents a gas leak.

If your thermocouple is damaged, dirty, or begins to malfunction it could extinguish the pilot light.

No Combustible Air

Any type of gas appliance requires air in order to function.

If your water heater is placed in any area with no air such as a closet or a windowless basement, it can cause the pilot light to go out.

If this happens, contact a professional who will provide you with a proper diagnosis and the steps to correct the problem.


So, is it dangerous if your pilot light goes out? More often than not, it is not dangerous. You simply need to go through the process of relighting your pilot light and you are good to go.

However, if these steps don’t work or you fear a gas leak, call a professional plumber to come to fix the problem!

Jason Whitbury
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